Good Causes - Blueprint for all

When we sell minifigures from our Black History range, we give 20% of those sales to the UK charity 'Blueprint For All', organising these donations twice a year. 

As a UK company, we really like to support UK charities where possible. This particular charity appealed to us because of its strong focus on improving lives and making positive changes to communities. We agree wholeheartedly with their vision that people shouldn’t ever feel limited, restricted or discriminated against due to their race, ethnicity or background. 

Pictured above are the first figs we made for Black History Month. 

And here are the figs we made the following year. 

Blueprint For All's work is wide-ranging, and includes supporting community groups, helping organisations to create inclusive environments, and helping young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to build their careers. Check out the Blueprint for all website for more information.

We also gave them an additional donation in 2021, based on our football minifigs sales. After the Euro finals, when some of the black football players on the English Team were the victims of horrific racist abuse, we felt strongly that we wanted to speak out about this and show our support for these phenomenal players. We also felt the need to ‘put our money where our mouth is’, so we pledged to give 10% of sales of football minifigs to Blueprint for All over a three month period. This came to a total of £ 435 GBP. 

If you’d like to support Blueprint for All, and at the same time get yourself some awesomely cool minifigures, check out our full range of Black History Minifigs here.