How to make a minifig keychain
Written instructions below (scroll down).
How to make a minifig keychain...
Step 1: Go to 'CREATE YOUR OWN UNIQUE MINIFIG' on the website homepage. Choose the skin tone you would like, name your first minifig project and click 'Start building'.
Step 2: Click on the different icons (HATS & HAIR, HEADS, BODIES, LEGS, EXTRAS) and choose the best ones from each category.
Step 3: Under 'DISPLAY', choose 'TURN YOUR MINIFIG INTO A KEYCHAIN'. Click 'Customise'. If the head you chose is double-sided, write in the text field what side you would like facing forward. Click 'Add to project'.
Step 4: If you would like to create another minifig keychain, click 'Add new project' then repeat the same steps as above.
Step 5: Click 'Add project(s) to Cart' and then complete your purchase!
Ready to make your minifig keychains? Get started now!